This quilt was made a few years ago for a contest sponsored by Moda fabrics and I had to use a predetermined selection of fabrics. I made this quilt (50"x50") in less than 2 months as I was near the final entry date when I learned of the contest. A photo, not the quilt, were submitted. My quilt did not get selected for the finals and I have yet to be able to find the winners online. Entrants were supposed to be notified of the results but I never heard a word. I am not sure if the contest continues. I believe they were trying to set something up similar to the Hoffman Challenge. You may have seen this quilt in other venues, but it really needs to be on my blog. I used a combination of hand and machine embellishment.
This basket took a little longer than the others but, again, I used only simple stitches. The basket is done using a sz 12 variegated perle cotton and the only stitches used were staight stitch and split stitch. I also used the same thread in green for the stems (split stitch) and the leaves (satin stitch.) The petals of the flowers are straight stitched from the outside of the petal into the center using 4mm varigated silk ribbon. The number of petals in each flower are more than actual lilacs have. Who cares!! They still look like lilacs. The only tips you need to know to do these are, keep the stitches loose and be prepared to use a lot of ribbon. I used 13 yards and you won't want to run out half way through. A pearl seed bead was used in each flower center. Two of my baskets for this quilt will be in the next issue of CQMagOnline.