CQ 2012 - I've started piecing

It's been so long since I've blogged about something I'm working on, I thought I'd show you this small portion of the pieceing for my quilt that I've finished. It's going to be a long process as I'm also working on other things. I want to have the bulk of the embellishment done for this quilt before I assemble the pieces onto a muslin backing. Two more of my baskets are in the current issue of CQ Magazine Online . Since I'm using the same color silk for all of my piecing I've decided to use black throughout to provide the main contrast. I'm also going to use a lot of the vintage items I've accumulated over the years.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be so gorgeous, Maureen!
    I'm intrigued by the face that all your patches are going to be of the same silk. That sure will showcase your lovely embroidery and treasures. The black will give it all such strength, too.
